Changing Points of View

The seven land formations shown in Changing Points of View suggest different times of a human life. Starting in a stormy, unformed scrubland, the viewer passes throuth empty, mysterious mountains, over a rocky desert of rough footfalls, to a strong middle point of verdant meadows. Then to foggy hills showing a glimpse of the sea, through oceanside tidewaters, and finally an infinite vista where the sea and sky are indistinguishable.

Similarities and distinctions in any two points of view is suggested in each diptych. Is one side attracting the other to attain completeness or is it pushing the other away to confirm its independence? Either is an illusion that makes the space between as active as the two images.


This accordion book is hand bound with traditional cloth cover. Printed on heavyweight 100% cotton paper. Limited edition of ten books + 2 AP. Page size: 8 x 10 inches (20 x 25 cm). 1998/2019